If you order now | If you request quotation and confirm delivery date before order |
1. Order You can order by FAX or E-mail. Please inform us below detail; ・Product name ・Volume ・Address (for delivery) ・Recipient (Company name, Section name, Personal name) ・Telephone no. We will inform you the delivery after receiving the order. Please contact us for details of payment methods and delivery cost. If no special request, receipt and delivery note will be attached with the product. 2. Delivery the product |
1. Inquiry Please inquire about product by Fax, Telephone or e-mail. At that time, please inform us below detail; ・Product name ・Volume ・Address ・Recipient (Company name, Section name, Personal name) ・Telephone no. 2. Reply 3. Order 4. Delivery the product |
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TEL ・・・・・ 028-3911-2006
FAX ・・・・・ 028-3911-2007