Precautions when using low-angle LED light for dark field observation

The basic observation methods are “Bright field observation” and “Dark field observation”.


1. Bright field observation

The most basic observation method involves illuminating the sample with uniform light from above for observation.


2. Dark field observation

This method involves shining light on the sample from a low angle or directly from the side, observing only the scattered or reflected light from the sample. The observed area (edges or protrusions) appears illuminated against a completely dark background.


There is dust on the surface of a resin plate coated with Teflon.




■ Bright field observation
The surface structure of the resin is clearly visible, but the dust is not visible.
  ■ Dark field observation
In a completely dark field of view, only the dust shines, and the surface structure is not visible.
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<Precautions for dark field observation>


1. If the surrounding light is too strong, it may prevent effective dark field observation.

The two images above have the same low-angle lighting, but the appearance changes depending on the presence or absence of the desk stand.




2. The height of the lighting is crucial in order to illuminate only the observed object.

Mount the light slightly above the surface of the plate   Install the light at a position where it shines directly from the side.
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