How to install a lens based light

The characteristics of macro lenses are:
・They have a fixed focal length, and the focal length is short,
・The focal length is relatively short.


Therefore, the focus is adjusted by moving the camera body up and down.


*The lens size also tends to be relatively large.


For the reasons mentioned above, it is common to attach lighting to the tip of the lens.




CCTV lenses and similar types allow for focus adjustment on the lens side.
In other words, the focal length is variable.
Additionally, compared to macro lenses, the focal length is longer.




Therefore, the lens is detached to install the lighting.
(This ensures that even if the focal length of the lens changes, the position of the lighting does not change, resulting in a consistent appearance.)


It is fixed using various types of stands.ステイで固定


It would look something like this.

