By using a telecentric lens, it is possible to obtain images with less distortion.
I experimented with our telecentric lens RT3, RT5.
Attach telecentric lenses RT 3, RT 5 to a USB camera (GR 200 BCM) |
shoot with Tlecentric lens RT3 |
shoot with Tlecentric lens RT5 |
You can see that there are no distortions in the four corners of the screen. This is the feature of a telecentric lens. |
If you are using a CCTV lens, distortion will be less when using a telephoto lens than a wide angle lens.
I tried with a fixed focus lens of 6 mm and a fixed focus lens of 25 mm.
Attach 8 mm fixed focus lens to a USB camera (GR 200 BCM) |
You can see that the four corners of the paper are distorted. |
25 mm fixed focus lens Attach a fixed focus lens to a USB camera (GR 200 BCM) |
Distortion is not appear in the corners of the paper. |
There are some with less distortion depending on the performance of the lens.
However, it is quite expensive.
Please contact us if you have any questions.