When you want to observe at low magnification with a coaxial lighting USB microscope



Our coaxial illumination USB microscope, model Z500CS, comes standard with a 1.5x auxiliary lens.


This time, I observed the metal part of a USB memory stick.






Observation using a 1.5x auxiliary lens (basic specification)


The focal length, magnification, and field of view at this time are as follows:
・Focal length: 52mm
・Field of view at 65x magnification: 5.2mmx3.9mm
・Field of view at 390x magnification: 0.8mmx0.6mm






同軸照明USBマイクロスコープで低倍率観察03   同軸照明USBマイクロスコープで低倍率観察04  
  The appearance at 65x magnification   The appearance at 390x magnification  




When observing at low magnification, removing this 1.5x auxiliary lens will reduce the magnification.



Remove the 1.5x auxiliary lens.


The focal length, magnification, and field of view at this time are as follows:
・Focal length: 95mm
・Field of view at 45x magnification: 8.0mmx6.0mm
・Field of view at 270 magnification: 1.2mmx0.9mm






同軸照明USBマイクロスコープで低倍率観察06   同軸照明USBマイクロスコープで低倍率観察07  
  The appearance at 45x magnification   The appearance at 270x magnification  




If you wish to observe at an even lower magnification, attaching a 0.75x auxiliary lens will further reduce the magnification.



Attach the 0.75x auxiliary lens.


The focal length, magnification, and field of view at this time are as follows:
・Focal length: 113mm
・Field of view at 35x magnification: 11.3mmx8.5mm
・Field of view at 210x magnification: 1.7mmx1.2mm






同軸照明USBマイクロスコープで低倍率観察09   同軸照明USBマイクロスコープで低倍率観察10  
  The appearance at 35x magnification   The appearance at 210x magnification  



At the lowest magnification of 35x with the 0.75x auxiliary lens, the coaxial illumination becomes unbalanced and cannot be used.

Therefore, it is practical to observe at the lowest feasible magnification of 45x by removing the standard 1.5x auxiliary lens.




For details on the “Coaxial Illumination USB Microscope” and “0.75x Auxiliary Lens” used this time, please refer to the product pages below.



Coaxial Illumination USB Microscope



0.75倍補助レンズ Z-0.75  

0.75x Auxiliary Lens

(For FZ series Microscopes, SDS-FZR model)
